Chapter Six (Follow me at scapegoatsnursery)
Ginny had a wicked smile upon her face that day, and for good reason too. She had wicked things on her mind. After Cho's insolence towards her, she needed to get things under control. And the only way to get things under control was to take action. Serious action.
She was on her way to Hermione's room to take a more direct approach. Hermione hadn't been seen for days, and neither had Harry. So it was only logical that she was caring for him in her room. And with the maternal effects of her spell, Harry would always be close by to her.
And then, as if my demand, she saw her walking down the corridor from the grand staircase as though nothing was wrong. And yet Harry was nowhere to be seen... What had she done with him? Perhaps he had been passed to a new carer... But that made no sense, the spell should have bound her to him...
And that's when Ginny caught the change in Hemione's walk. She was moving down the hallway with wide, careful steps and was flushed and red in the face as she went.
That bitch, Ginny thought as it occurred to her where Harry was.
It was now or never. Judging by the direction Hermione was heading, she'd be after McGonagall's help, and the shrinking effects of her spell had taken effect earlier than expected, she had to move now.
With a very subtle point of her wand, Ginny followed closely behind her 'friend', but not so close as to draw attention. The spell was on her lips; quiet, but precise muttering that she had spent months practising. As she said the last word, Hermione collapsed onto her knees, leaning on her hands and sticking her butt in Ginny's direction.
Harry didn't know what was happening, but it didn't sound good. Hermione had fallen forward onto her knees, and Harry was thrown forward in Hermione's panties, his face pressed even harder against her asshole.
"Harry..." She muttered under the breath, as she felt a strange feeling in her stomach. Students who were going to their next lessons were gathering around her, asking if she was ok.
"Harry, I'm sorry." She gasped as her stomach rumbled loudly.
As Harry was still trying to grasp what was going on, he felt Hermione's butthole quiver and suck lightly against his face.
"Harry..." He heard her whisper. "I'm sorry."
Before Harry could even think what that meant, a rip of warm air shot out of Hermione's asshole
It was loud enough for the entire corridor to hear, and especially loud for the nearest students who had crowded around her (including Ginny)
"Ahhhhh!!" Hermione moaned as her bowels released and a torrent of shit flowed out of her asshole and filled her panties.
Harry screamed. Actually screamed, as his surroundings became nothing but a sea of brown mess that made him retch and cry and wish for sweet release. One moment he'd had a storm of Hermione's fart directly in his face, and then the gates of hell had opened and he'd watched the enormous amount of shit from Hermione's ass fly into his face and encase his body. There was no escape.
Despite the embarrassment of the situation, Hermione still felt her hand fly back to her panties to feel the amount of mess she'd created, the amount that she'd forced against her baby Harry. Somehow, she didn't feel like such a mommy anymore, it's hard to when you've just shit yourself in front of everyone like a child. She gave the mess in her panties a squeeze and felt her pussy twitch a little. The idea of having Harry trapped back there was beyond arousing to her. And then, as if things could get any worse, she felt a long stream of piss running down her shitty panties and down her leg.
Putting on her best 'concerned best friend' voice, Ginny pushed her way through the crowd and tended to her friend.
"You lot want to piss off?" She growled at the crowd. None of the students stuck around to meet Ginny's wrath and soon the hallway was completely empty.
"Hermione, what the hell happened?" Ginny asked, feigning concern.
"I've no idea," Hermione cried. "One minute I was fine...and now..." She whimpered and felt the mess in her panties again. Somewhere deep in that pile of shit was Harry Potter, her baby. But she couldn't let Ginny know that that's where he was.
Ginny, however, was already very much aware.
"Come with me," Ginny said, taking her friends hand and helping her up. "We'll get you to Madame Pomfrey."
Hermione followed Ginny, now with more of a bow legged step as she was walking with a hammock full of shit hanging off of her ass, not to mention a tiny boy as well.
Just as Ginny checked the coast was clear, she drew out her wand again.
"Petrificus totalus!" Hermione's body went rigid and she fell to the floor, flat on her back.
"There's a good girl." Ginny laughed, checking over her shoulder to see if anyone was coming. She rolled Hermione over onto her front; she was as stiff as a board. Ginny reluctantly pulled back the waistband of Hermione's panties and plunged her hand into the mess.
"Where is he..." She cursed, "I know you've got him in here somewhere..."
Harry didn't know what to do, as he felt an unfamiliar hand reach into Hermione's panties and wrap around his shit covered body. Ginny pulled him away and wiped some of the shit off him on Hermione's skirt.
"There you are," she cooed, rubbing her hand over his hair lovingly, despite him still reeking of Hermione's shit. "Safe and sound, although a little smaller than I was expecting. The spell shouldn't have acted on you this quickly... Clearly someone tried to tamper with it."
Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ginny did this to him? The girl that he fancied and wanted to go out with? How could this be...?
"Anyway," she said as she stood up and held Harry close to her. "We don't want Miss Granger here remembering any of this," she said as she raised her wand at Hermione once again.
"Obliviate." She spoke clearly, and watched the fear and panic die in Hermione's eyes. She wouldn't remember any of this, in theory. And that's just what Ginny needed; secrecy.
"Now then," she continued, "there's only one reasonable place for a shitty little boy like you to go, and that's in a diaper." She laughed, pulling back the waistband of her skirt and revealing her diaper to Harry. She pulled open the front of it and dropped Harry towards her pussy. She then gave him a sharp push by the legs so that his face met her asshole, which in comparison smelt a lot better than Hermione's.
"You just hang tight there, little man." She purred.
"We're gonna have some fun together..."
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