Thursday, 13 August 2015

A Massive Apology

To anyone who might still end up at this site, or be wondering where I have gone, I extend a massive apology to. I've had enormous, catastrophic computer issues, so now my tumblr has gone, and all the data on my blog has gone. This means I've lost my stories :(

I beg anyone who still wants to read my captions and stories (as there will always be new ones) to follow my newly created tumblr:

And any new stories I write will now be posted here:

Please spread the word as much as you can, I will also make a post on tumblr, if you could repost it that would be amazing. I'm still writing captions, still taking requests and still miss all you guys :( 

Much love!



  1. You should really archive your tumblr page and blogspot if possible. If you can that'd help a lot, since it's all there.

    Also, one of my favourites is

    1. To add: Please change the font, or let us change it! Coming Soon is very hard to read :(
