Jacob was in shock. Complete and utter shock. One minute he'd been a 150 pound adult, and now he was no taller than a two year old.
"Gemma, what's going on?" He babbled in panic. His body was so small and frail and tiny now, especially as he was being held in Gemma's gargantuan arms. She was an absolute Titan to him.
"Don't you fret, little baby Jacob. You don't have to worry about anything ever again. We'll be looking after you from now on."
The two women were taking him upstairs, where they said his new 'lodgings' were. But all Jacob could feel was fear. This was unnatural and strange and IMPOSSIBLE! Since when was it reality to be able to shrink a human being? Despite his close proximity to Gemma's soft, supple breast, he was far from comfortable.
The three of them entered a room that was lavish in pastel blue and pink. It was a completely kitted out room for a baby. It had a changing table in the corner with squishy padding on it, and a pink crib with bars taller than Jacob was. There was even a little mobile above his bed that was idly spinning above it.
Jacob was starting to regret his choice.
"Now then, Baby Jacob." Caroline said as she took him out of Gemma's arms and laid him down on the changing table. Seeing how huge these two women were, towering over him, made him feel sick to the stomach with anxiety. He was so helpless and small now.
"I think it's time for us to get a diaper on you, don't you?"
Caroline spread Jacob's legs before he could protest, exposing his now minuscule manhood to both of these titanic women.
"Well hasn't our baby got a cute little shrinky-dink?" Gemma laughed as she tapped Jacob's penis lightly with her finger. He instinctively went to close his legs back up, but Gemma was having none of it, and forced his legs back open.
"This will be much easier if you don't struggle, baby." She said sternly, as she grabbed a baby diaper from the side cabinet. It was crisp and completely white, save for a few cartoon patterns on the front of it. Gemma unfurled it and slid it under Jacob's butt.
"Doesn't that feel better, little baby?" She cooed as she pinched his nose lightly between her giant fingers. But Jacob wasn't laughing, and instead tried to swat her fingers away. But Gemma was strong, and grabbed his thin, girly wrists and easily enveloped them in her iron grasp.
"Naughty babies who don't listen to their mommies will be punished. Do you understand me?" She said sternly, her eyes staring him down like she was disciplining a child. I suppose in her eyes she was disciplining a child. Jacob was her baby now, and he had to accept that as his new reality or suffer the consequences.
"Sorry, Mommy." He said reluctantly.
"That's better." She said, releasing his hand and proceeding with the diapering. She pulled it up and over his crotch and yanked the tapes tightly over the front so that it was nice and snug around his waist. It poofed out between his legs and made him look even more babyish than he already felt.
He looked ridiculous. As he wasn't a proportionate baby, the diaper looked far to big and poofy on his thin, fragile waist. It still fit snugly around him, but he was unable to close his legs because of all the padding.
"Gemma, I'm not so sure about this deal..." He said fearfully, as she pulled forward the front of his diaper and sprinkled some baby powder down onto his baby bits.
"Baby Jacob, if I hear another word out of you, you're going to have a very angry mommy. Do you understand me?" She asked, leaning over him just to remind him how small and powerless he was. If she decided to keep going and lay on top of him, she'd probably crush him.
Jacob zipped his lips, but not happily. He continued to frown, at her, even as she scooped him up under his armpits and carried him over to his crib. She sat down on the chair next to it and sat him on her lap. His face was level with her small, perky boobs. She pulled him in closer to her chest.
"Caroline could you fetch Baby Jacob's outfit?" Gemma asked her sweetly, but Caroline shot her a bitter look. She didn't like being ordered around, and she didn't feel like she was getting much time with the new baby.
Gemma bounced Jacob on her knee and hummed softly to him as she pulled him in closer to her breast.
"Here we go, baby!" Caroline said excitedly as she came into the room with what looked to be a babies onesie, complete with clip buttons on the crotch to make diaper changes easier. It was light blue, and would contribute to Jacob's babyish look with ease.
The two of them worked together to pull the onesie over Jacob's head and clipped the poppers closed at his crotch. You could easily still see the bulge of his diaper underneath the fabric. He'd never felt so embarrassed in his life.
"Baby Jacob, you look wonderful!" Caroline beamed before taking a pacifier out of her pocket and shoving it into his mouth.
Jacob now officially looked the part! He had his huge poofy diaper between his legs, he had his onesie to cover it up and he had a paci in his mouth to suck on as his mommies looked after him.
"What more could you want, baby boy?" Caroline beamed proudly, but there was a darkness to her eyes that made Jacob feel small and afraid.
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